Visions About America

I haven’t paid too much attention to prophecies and dreams of the last days because they just didn’t seem to pertain to what was going on in our generation. I have met plenty of people who seem to think the end is just around the corner, but I have always thought,”No, I have plenty of time. The troubles won’t come in my lifetime.” I have always believed that when someone says such-and-such event that was foretold by so-and-so is going to happen by a set date in the immediate future I know it is not going to happen. When people start putting dates on apocalyptic events I know I don’t have to go out and buy extra food.

It’s not that I don’t believe that the events foretold by Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joseph Smith, and others, some in more recent times, or even dreams by friends of mine, I just hadn’t seen that things have gotten that bad…until recently. As I watch our society begin to tear itself apart with dissension and intolerance, blatant immorality, “the turning of things upside down” (Isaiah 29:16), and the violence perpetrated against our youth, babies, and small children, I believe that we are now on the precipice of judgement.

Here are a couple of dreams and visions that I have collected over the years that don’t seem outlandish or out of the realm of possibility of happening in our time, as opposed to further down the road. I bring attention to these particular visions because they point to events foretold to happen that have since taken place. They were written down between 20 to 40 years ago, by a man and his grandson at various times. When they were written it didn’t seem possible it would happen in my life time.

Here is a little introduction to these two men. Michael Boldea was born in Romania but emigrated to the United States with his family in the 1980’s. His Grandfather was Dumitru Duduman, whom I wrote about in this post a month ago ( ). Michael is the chairman of Hands of Help Ministries, which runs orphanages in Romania. He lives in the Midwest of the United States but visits these orphanages regularly as well as traveling the world with his special message of faith. Until his Grandfather, Dumitru died in 1997, Michael traveled with him throughout the United States acting as interpreter while his Grandfather delivered his messages of warning to the American people.

After his Grandfather died, Michael took over much of the work that Dumitru had started. While Dumitru was alive and living in Romania suffering persecution at the hands of a communist government, he was told through dreams and visions that he would be brought to the United States where his mission was to warn the American people that they were facing desolation and destruction. Dumitru was appalled that this could happen to the greatest nation on earth and asked the Lord how anyone could stand up against America. He was told, nevertheless, that it would happen overnight. He was miraculously brought to the United States in 1984 where he would soon begin a ministry to warn anyone who would listen to his message. You can see several of his talks given to large groups of people on Youtube. Query the name Dumitru Duduman.

I have added three dreams or visions here that I think are pretty profound. The first is a vision from Dumitru in September 1984, the second was received in 1997, and the third was from Michael, a dream which he had in 2003 or 2004. (

Vision of Dumitru Duduman, 1984

Late one night, I could not sleep; The children were sleeping on
the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside
and walked around. I didn’t want them to see me cry. I walked
around the building, crying and saying, “God! Why did you
punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can’t
understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear
is, “I don’t know.”
I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock.
Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet
because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me,
attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret
Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to
kill me. But it wasn’t a car at all. As the light approached, it
surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had
heard so many times in prison.
He said “Dumitru, why are you so despaired?” I said, “Why did
you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have
nowhere to lay my head down. I can’t understand anybody.” He
said, “Dumitru, didn’t I tell you I am here with you, also? I
brought you to this country because this country will burn.” I
said, ‘then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn’t you
let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in
jail in Romania! He said, “Dumitru, have patience so I can tell
you. Get on this.” I got on something next to him. I don’t know
what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a
dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.
He showed me all of California and said, “This is Sodom and
Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! Its sin has
reached the Holy One.” Then he took me to Las Vegas. “This is
Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn.” Then he showed
me the state of New York. “Do you know what this is?” he
asked. I said, “No.” He said “This is New York. This is Sodom
and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn.” Then he showed me all
of Florida, “This is Florida.” he said. “This is Sodom and
Gomorrah! In one day it will burn.”
Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun.
“IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you” I said, “How will it burn?” He said, “Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid,
because I will be with you.” I said, “How will I be able to go?
Who knows me here in America? I don’t know anybody here.”
He said, “Don’t worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a
lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the
doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell
you. This country will burn!”

Second Vision of Dumitru Dudumon, 1997

“I knelt beside my bed to pray, as I do every night before I go to
sleep. After finishing my prayer, I opened my eyes but I was no
longer in my room. Instead, I found myself in a forest. I looked
around and to my right I saw a man, dressed in white, who
pointed his finger and said, “See and remember.” It took me a
while to find out what he was pointing at. It was a small bear
who seemed half dead lying on the ground. As I continued to
watch this bear, it began to breathe deeper. With every passing
minute it seemed to revive itself, and as I watched, it also
became angrier. It then began to grow. Soon it was larger than
the forest floor and as it grew larger it continued to become
angrier. It then began to paw the ground, so that when its paw
would hit the ground, the earth would shudder. The bear
continued to devastate all that stood in its path until it came
upon some men with sticks trying to fend it off. By this time, the
bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men
underfoot and continued to rampage. I was stunned by what I
saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this
mean?” “At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man
said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it
harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose
and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue to
trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear
will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it
will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell my people the
days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they
will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will
open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they
only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up
and trampled underfoot. Only in righteousness will they find
safety.” Suddenly, I was once again by myself in my room, on
my knees, with sweat covering my face.”

Dream of Michael Boldea, 2004

I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and
suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above
the treeline. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode
the thermals, flying in slow lazy arcs across the blue sky. I
began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle’s flight,
all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly
descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its
descent not being sudden but very gradual. Finally I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing, and began to look around not seeming to
notice me.
As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man
dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside
me, and said, “Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose.”
I was silent as I watched the eagle, and was beginning to grow
somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere,
a brown snake lunged at the eagle, and bit down on its left wing.
The snake’s strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle
reacted without delay, clawing and pecking at the snake cutting
deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward
off the serpent. Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the
battle, and the serpent was retreating, another serpent appeared,
red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, and without
hesitation struck out at the eagle’s right wing, biting down, and
refusing to release. After a momentary tug of war the serpent
tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle’s
right wing. The second bite was much worse than the first, and
for an instant the eagle was stunned. Then a serpent much larger
than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward
the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the
eagle’s head in its mouth before biting down.
The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing
beside me, walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up, and
held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was
beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the
man’s face broke your heart.
The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained
voice said, “The true tragedy, is that at any moment it could
have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward
the heavens and would have found its protection. This has been
revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the
second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.”
I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms
of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I
was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen
having seemed so real. The feeling followed me into my waking
hours as well, and each time I closed my eyes I saw the entire
scene play before my eyes throughout the day.
One thing that I feel I need to share with you is that the second
bite seemed to come from an unexpected place. Although I have
my own opinion concerning this, I choose to keep it to myself,
because expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing
when it comes to things that God reveals.”

These are remarkable prophecies from very remarkable men. I pay attention to their words because of the lives they lived. Neither of them were in it for money, notoriety, or for prestige. They do their work out of charity and a love for the Savior. And so, I sit up and take notice.

I have a couple of comments about the visions. Though I take to heart Michael’s statement that “expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing when it comes to things that God reveals“, it doesn’t take a lot of guessing who the Bear might represent in the second vision of Dumitru. We think that Russia might be down and out for the count because of its Ukraine misadventure, but according to Dumitru, the bear is going to surprise us all. There are other prophecies Dumitru has written foretelling China and Russia conspiring together to bring down the United States–and then succeed. Their pact is being finalized this year. It appears to have been fulfilled within the last 30 days (March-April 2023) with Putin’s trip to China. Here is Dumitru’s vision of these events from 1996, of which the pact between the two nations is just the beginning, culminating in a multi-nation strike against the United States :

A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22,
1996 – China and Russia

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I
heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, “Stand!”
In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and
began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I
saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons.
One of the armed men came to me. “I woke you to show you
what is to come.” He said. “Come with me.” I didn’t know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, “stop here!”
A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look
through them.

“Stand there, don’t move, and look,” he continued. “You will see
what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America.”
As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared
over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who
said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two
also said where they were from, but I did not understand.
However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled
territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. “I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan
of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from
behind.” A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate
America. ” I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.
Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with
China, the Russians will strike without warning.”
The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.”
Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.
All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a
contract. One of them said, “We’re sure that Korea and Cuba
will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can
destroy America.”

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, “Why let
ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world
ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I
could do as I please with Europe!” The man standing beside me asked, “This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together.
But everything I’ve shown you is how it will REALLY happen.
You must tell them what is being planned against America.
Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the
words the Lord has spoken.”

Who are you?” I asked.
“I am the protector of America. America’s sin has reached God.
He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such
wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him
with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a
heavenly army to save these people.”

As I looked, a great army, well-armed and dressed in white,
appeared before me.
“Do you see that?” the man asked. “This army will go to battle
to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the
Godly and the ungodly will be evident.”

In Michael’s 2004 dream, he believed the first serpent strike against the eagle was represented by the 9/11 attacks. America recovered. The second attack, which was in the future when Michael wrote the dream down, could be Covid19 and all its economic and social impacts, which haven’t completely played out yet. Of course that would only be speculation, as are most interpretations of visions and dreams, but it is worth thinking about. If it is the case that 9/11 and Covid are the first and second attacks, then the the third event, the attack by the serpent of many colors (nations?), is soon to happen, will be completely unexpected, and will result in the complete destruction of America, if we are to take seriously Michael’s dream.

As I mentioned before I am very sceptical of people prophesying and assigning specific events and dates to dreams and reported visions. I question their motives or their correct interpretation. In my mind the vision could very well be the result, as Scrooge described his belief in apparitions, of “a spot of porridge or indigestion that affects the mind” –or something like that. But it doesn’t take a prophet to take notice of events in the world that are becoming extremely alarming, pointing to things that prophets in all ages have written about. We will never really know when the fulfillment of prophecies taking place until after they happen (2 Nephi 25:7). You be the judge yourself if the prophecies I have presented here have some ring of truth.

I have to ask, if there are dozens and dozens of people receiving dreams and visions about America’s future over the last several decades, some probably based on true experience and some are fantasy, why doesn’t America take notice? 9/11 was a wake up call to Americans, but we didn’t really change our relationship with God as a nation. In fact we descended further down into a deepening state of immorality, depravity, and self interest. We find ourselves in the same boat as the Kingdom of Israel before they were destroyed by the Assyrians, the Kingdom of Judah before being destroyed the first time by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans, and the many nation states that have risen and been destroyed over the centuries. The Lord will always warn the people in their language, giving them ample time to repent. There have been many prophets, most we have no record of, preaching and warning of troubles ahead. The large majority of people paid no attention, in fact their popular priests and prophets were telling them that “all is well”, the Lord would not destroy a “righteous” nation. They would say The “gloom and doom” prophets that are spreading stories about a coming destruction are not from our established hierarchy, are not prominent, and have no authority, so why should we listen to them (Mosiah 14:1)?

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