We are creators

I asked this question during prayer, “Why the separation? Why are we subject to darkness and subterfuge? Why the veil and mists of darkness that come between us in the world and the Heavens, between us and light and truth? Why is it so hard to obtain light and communion with heaven?

The answer came to me immediately as a stroke of thought, a single beam of comprehension; a compressed digital file, if you will. Although I understood the answer quite well from a scriptural and intellectual standpoint before I posed the question, I asked the question out of the frustration of having to struggle for every morsel of light and truth. I desired a deeper spiritual comprehension. The answer came as an intimate perception. Not only did I hear words in my mind, but there was a feeling accompanying the words that provided a texture to the answer; a depth was conveyed to my soul that cannot be explained.

Before [in the preexistence] you had a superficial concept of existence and creation, but your abilities were very limited. To obtain the power to create and become like the Creator you had to have experience. You must understand in the most complete sense how to create, and the only way to obtain that knowledge is to experience all facets and consequences of it.”

Here is how I explain what was conveyed to me. In creating a good oil painting, or any other piece of art, it is one thing to visualize what you want the picture to look like, but it is quite another thing to produce it. You first must understand the qualities and properties of the paint, the brushes, the canvas, even the thinner. You have to have a good grasp of design, light and color, and human psychology – to know what is pleasing to the human eye. Then, all of these concepts have to be unified and combined and understand all these principles in a practical sense; you have to practice them over and over and over again until you have mastered them. They become internalized so they become natural to you.

We exist to be creators. Everything we experience, everything we are subject to in this world and in the eternities is to prepare us to create, world’s without end and lives into eternity.

God Bless.

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