“When you climb up a ladder, you must begin at the bottom, and ascend step-by-step, until you arrive at the top; and so it is with the principles of the Gospel—you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all the principles of exaltation. But it will be a great while after you have passed through the veil before you will have learned them. It’s not all to be comprehended in this world; it will be a great work to learn our salvation and exaltation even beyond the grave.” (Joseph Smith)
“Now, if you go back and reread that quote (by Joseph Smith above), and you comprehend that it is possible to pass through the veil before you leave here—“it will be a great while after you pass through the veil before you will have learned them. It’s not all to be comprehended in this world”—you begin to say, Ah, I think I understand why, after 40 years of reflection, Nephi commented about how it was his constant meditation to think upon the things which he had seen and heard. The knowledge obtained from heaven is dynamic.” (Denver Snuffer, Ascension Part 1, April 17, 2023)“
In my previous post I presented the first six stanzas of Denver Snuffer’s poem, Arcadia, as a poem about ascension to heaven, full of symbolism and mystery. I want to reiterate that I don’t know Denver’s mind on this, I only recognize the symbols he uses and am presenting what I know about the symbols and what they mean to me.
The symbolism of the gates one passes through is symbolic of Jacobs Ladder. “The principles of the gospel are not supposed to be comprehended in one bite. You progress. And the ladder that he’s (Joseph Smith) talking about climbing is, in fact, the ladder that is ordered and that Jacob referred to. Jacob’s Ladder is something that we refer to, and its an ordered process. But whenever you begin to climb, you begin at the bottom. And so, you find yourselves here.” (Denver Snuffer, Ascension Part 1, April 17, 2023). In the same talk Denver suggests what those steps of the ladder are. “Referring to the first resurrection, “come forth….to inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths.” Those are, in fact, referring to different steps in the process of rising up to the place where God is. This is telling you something about the map to the after life….However, this suggesting a much more complex afterlife in which literally the ascent is by degrees as you move upward.“
The Egyptian gates are symbolic of the process of ascension, where the Egyptian Gods stand to test the soul before allowing them to pass on. The angels guard the entrances to the layered kingdoms in Denver’s version. None of this, perhaps, is to be taken literally, but its description plays upon the mind of the covenant holder, to seek answers and to propel their thoughts to ponder the mysteries of climbing Jacob’s ladder.
Hugh Nibley wrote extensively about the ascension process contained in the temple endowment ceremony as mirrored in Egyptian religious documents such as the “Book of the Dead” and the “Joseph Smith Papyrus“. Nibley exposed a remarkable resemblance between the LDS endowment and Egyptian ritual beliefs; so much a resemblance that he claimed their origins ultimately came from the same source, the ancient religion of the patriarchs.
“...in the words of Abraham, “Pharaoh, being a righteous man, was ever seeking earnestly the first patriarchal reign, for he would fain claim [the priesthood]” (Abraham 1:26). If the Egyptian endowment was but an imitation, it was still a good one, and we may be able to learn much from it, just as we may learn much about the early church from the vagaries of the Gnostics. But it is not for a moment to be equated with the true and celestial order of things.” (Nibley, Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, xxviii)
I might go so far as to say the Egyptian endowment is a shadow of things as they really are, as is the LDS temple endowment, but from a different cultural and religious perspective. We then can explore the ascension symbolism in the poem Arcadia using our understanding of Egyptian ascension writings, Greek esoteric beliefs, described in Nibley’s and other’s (John Hall?) writings, LDS scriptures, and even in Denver’s writings. That is what I have done in the previous post, Arcadia and the Pole Star Fellowship.
In the poem Arcadia, in the seventh stanza, Denver mentions the Pole Star Fellowship:
You were within the trusted circle
Of the pole star fellowship and temple
Acknowledged here by those adept
While the exoteric faltered and slept
John Hall was a “trusted” member of the pole star fellowship and temple. He kept the knowledge to himself, held two fingers against his lips and maintained trusted relationships inviolate. One of the markers of the adept fellowshippers apparently is the ability to keep secrets, especially sacred knowledge that is not meant for the exoteric (outsiders). Those who are adept (“highly skilled or knowledgeable”) in this life are aware of the fellowship. John was acknowledged by them to be part of the fellowship.
Understanding of the pole star fellowship requires us to take a detour from our analysis in order to understand this concept. This is where I throw in a some technical jargon and add a little speculation- logical and knowledge based, but speculation nonetheless. My purpose in presenting this is to help people reading the poem get a basic understanding of the symbology which they will have to wrestle with if they want to explore the mysteries Denver is offering us.
When I hear the term “pole star fellowship” this is what comes to my mind:
The Precession
All the stars, planets, constellations ,and even the sun seem to rotate about the axis of the north and south poles every 24 hours. In the northern hemisphere the star Polaris is at the center or close to the center of the northern axis of rotation. That is why we call it the North Star, or the Pole Star. But 2,000 years ago the axis of the north star was nowhere near any visible stars, and 4,000 years ago the star Thuban, in the constellation of Draco, was the pole star. What’s going on here?
A wobble in the rotation of the earth causes the earth’s north pole to make a circular orbit every 26,000 years. This causes the northern axis of the heavens to shift in a grand circle. In 12,500 years, the star Vega in the constellation Lyra will be the north pole star.

This tipping of the earth defines which zodiacal constellation rises with the sun on the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox occurs in March and is the point in time when the sun passes directly over the equator. It is not so important to us in this modern age, but anciently it was a very important date that was used in many civilizations as a calendar marker for planting and religious festivals. Egyptian temples, pyramids and other structures are all oriented to sun risings at the equinoxes. There is some evidence that the Sphinx was oriented to point at the rising of the star Regulus in the constellation Leo when it was first built. Precession has moved that orientation so that isn’t the case today, but allows for a dating of the construction Sphinx if that is correct.1 All of this points to the idea that the Lord set up the stars and planets for signs and for time keeping. Denver will go farther and say the patterns of the movements of stars and planets are signs of ordinances and events that are to occur or are occurring, either on this side of the veil or the other side.
“If you look up in the morning sky, right now you can see Orion on the eastern horizon, and that’s been true twice a year since the beginning. It’s been true that all of the ordinances ordained by God in the heavens above have remained true from the day that He set them there until today. They are so well established, they are so regular, they are so permanent, and they are so far beyond the ability of man to touch, alter, or destroy that the only way to have an apostasy from those ordinances, from our perspective, is for you to forget what knowledge there is that are written in the heavens.” (Denver Snuffer, The Heavens, April 2018)
“Now all of that is to make this comment: When there’s a new pole star, that’s called a “new heaven;” when there’s a new constellation on the horizon at the vernal equinox, that’s called a “new earth.” There will be a “new heaven” and there will be a “new earth” when Christ returns. And all of these are given, as Christ said in Genesis 1:14, “for signs and for seasons.” And everything testifies of Him. There’s a lot of scientific proof, but there’s a lot of material in the Bible that is simply misunderstood.” (Denver Snuffer, The Heavens, April 2018)

As an example of how the stars reflect events in the heavens and on earth, take a look at this figure above. Notice you have Polaris on the far right of the circle. The circle represents the orbit of the North pole star in its 26,000 year cycle. Notice where the North Ecliptic Pole is placed in the center of the dragon, Draco. (The North Ecliptic Pole is simply the center of rotation of the precession.) The earth, or should I say the mortal world, is the domain of Satan, he is the god of this world, and his position sitting on the top of the heavens demonstrates this for all to see. From there he orchestrates events on earth; he interferes with the affairs of men. Remember the scripture in Isaiah, “For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” (Isaiah 6:6). The story of our cycle of time, this eternal round, the one we find ourselves in, is told in the heavens.
When the sun rises with a new zodiacal constellation at the vernal equinox it is also called a “new age”. We live at the dawning of a new age, the age of Aquarius. We are just leaving the age of Pisces the fish, which started roughly 2000 years ago when Christ started His mission. Denver explains the significance of the two fish in Pisces. One fish, the largest is forever circling the path of the zodiac, while the smaller fish is pointed in the right direction toward God’s throne. Today the sun is beginning to rise in the constellation of Aquarius on the Vernal Equinox. Aquarius is the waterman, Christ personified, He who provides the living water. The age of fishes is passing, signifying that the time is quickly approaching when the time of the gathering and sorting of souls will soon be over.

4000 years ago the earth entered the age of the Ram, Aries, which brought in the age of sacrifice, corresponding roughly with the time of the patriarchs, Moses, and the laws of Moses requiring animal sacrifices. The movement of the constellations and the changing pole star are important markers leaving us clues about God’s order of things and lay out a path that has meaning to us if we pay attention.
While the precession provides an indication of the age, the movement of the sun through the zodiac constellation also provides signs to us of God’s intentions. To the Greeks the zodiac tells the story of the life of Hercules and records the story of the labors he was forced to perform. To the Egyptians the zodiac is about Osiris and his exploits. To us, the zodiac mystically portrays the life and labors of Christ which is the path He told us we must follow. (T&C 171:3) By mystical, I mean that the Holy Spirit manifests the meaning and the application to those who seek. The Ram, The Lion, The waterman (Aquarius), the fish (Pisces) , Taurus, the Virgin, the Twins, even the goat (Capricorn), the scales (Libra), the crab (Cancer), and the centaur (Sagittarius) have important things to tell us of the life of Christ and map out some segment of salvation that we ourselves may have to experience. Those in the Pole Star Fellowship have gained the knowledge necessary to begin the ascent to the kingdom of the Father. “We who have witnessed His fullness comprehend what Eternal life means through Him revealing the pathway of ascension to the Throne of God.” (Testimony of John 1:4) Knowledge required for the journey is patterned in the motions of the constellations.
“The paths of God lie in the heavens. So, if you’re going to learn to walk in His paths, you are going to have to learn how to walk in the heavens. The ensign (Isaiah) that is prophesied to be established in the context, in the meaning of that day, had reference to a zodiacal– a constellation, a depiction of the heavens themselves.” (Denver Snuffer, The Heavens) I think the fellowship refers to those who are on the path, signified in the image of Jacob’s ladder. Those who have entered the gate, which is controlled by Christ Himself, have entered the path through Him. Could this be a reference to having ones calling and election made sure, having audience with Christ where He tells you that your constant focused seeking of His face has not been in vain?
Now, I don’t know if the Pole Star Fellowship is an actual fellowship or only just a literary device used by Denver to describe an elect group. But if we are to follow the path of Christ to ascend, we must become a part of this elected group. The path is written in the heavens, in the constellations which the Lord provided as signs and ordinances. I have given the example of Aquarius being a representation of the life giver. The Ram, Aries, is symbolic of the sacrifice. Virgo is about Christ’s virgin birth. The Gemini twins tell of the story of Christ’s grace and mercy, and illustrate how salvation is obtained through no effort on our own.

Castor and Pollux were known as the Great Twins. Pollux was the son of Zeus who seduced Leda, while Castor was the son of Tyndareus king of Sparta and Leda’s husband. They were conceived the same night and were born the same time. Castor was mortal so when he died Pollux, who was immortal, begged his father Zeus to give Castor immortality. Zeus complied with his son’s entreaties and united the brothers together in the heavens. Can you see the pattern of Christ, immortal, begging or mediating for us, who are fallen and telestial, with His Father?
Another example of a zodiacal constellation being prophetic pointing to the path of salvation is told in Libra, the scales. In Hebrew the name is Mazanaim – “weighing”. Its Arabic is Al Zubena – “purchase, or redemption”. In Egyptian Coptic, it is Lambadia – “station of propitiation (from Lam-“graciousness”, and badia– “branch”. The names of the three brightest stars lend greater relevance to the matter. The brightest is named Zuben al Genubi which means “the purchase, or the price which is deficient.”2 Meaning that men by themselves cannot meet the price required.
The Arabic names also have reference to claws of a crab.3 One claw is larger then the other. In the Neo-Babylonian zodiac, Libra also was represented as a crab with the two claws or arms which dispensed justice. In the myth of Hercules, the crab, Cancer, judges Hercules and snaps at the heels of the great hero. In the Garden before Adam and Eve are cast out, the Lord tells Satan that he may have power to bruise the heel of man.4 Satan is the great accuser, the unrighteous judge. The third brightest star is named Zuben Akrabi – “The price of conflict to be paid.” The conflict being the slaying of the one who paid the price. One other aside regarding Libra is the original name in the old Akkadian Babylonian language (before it was known as a crab), Tulku. It means “sacred mound, or sacred altar”. The symbol of Libra is an artifact from the Babylonian which looks to me more like a mound then a crab or a scale measure.

All of the constellations have a part in what Nibley called the “cosmic play”.
Please forgive the exercise in linguistics, but it does bring to light the meaning of obscure doctrines that have been lost to us through the ages. My purpose in relating some origin stories of a few of the constellations is to demonstrate that our spiritual path has a relationship to ascension doctrines hidden in the motions of the stars and constellations and that they have relevance to us and our condition.
The Fellowship of the Pole Star infers that its members understand the connection between the drama and movement of the stars to the plan of salvation playing out in the cosmos. In the seventh stanza of the poem, Denver equates the Pole Star Fellowship with “temple”. I take this to mean that the attaining of fellowship is through an ordinance, as an endowment would be given, in a temple.
Return to the poem Arcadia
Eighth stanza:
“Heaven seen through crystal window
Confirms: As above so below
Intelligence always hard won
Light and truth from Isis’ Son”
“Crystal window” reminds me of the description of the Urim and Thummim, but could also represent revelation. I was told, but haven’t been able to verify, that one lens of the Urim and Thummim was shaped like a triangle pointing downwards while the other lens was a triangle pointing up. I don’t now how true that is, but fits the narrative of the poem.

Denver has described an ancient Egyptian Constellation that is no longer acknowledged on modern star maps, of ISIS holding her infant son. This is just above the constellation Virgo (the Virgin) in the sky. (Virgo is just to the right in the picture below.) The son of Isis is Osiris who is the counterpart to Christ because he also was resurrected, according to Egyptian religion. Nibley describes how the Egyptian Religion was patterned after the religion of the patriarchs before the flood. Even with the corruption that took place over hundreds and thousands of years, we can see connections to the original religion of Adam, Enoch and Noah. That is why we can see roles and names of prophets and the Godhead before the flood are preserved in some of the names of Egyptian gods.

The Ninth stanza:
“The names have been changed
Identities are rearranged
Enoch, Thoth, Hermes and Mercury
Ammon, Elohim, Adoni and El Shaddai”
- Enoch– the great record keeper, Next to God
- Thoth –the Egyptian Librarian of all knowledge, inventor of writing. He is the same as Enoch.
- Hermes and Mercury–– the Greek and Roman messenger, Greek equivalent to Thoth, keeper of mysteries. Also equivalent to the names of prominent angels, Gabriel and Michael, who spend their time like Hermes shuttling between God’s throne and earth on God’s business.
- Ammon the Egyptian creator God.
- Adoni and El Shaddai –different names for the Old Testament Hebrew God.
The Tenth stanza:
“A diligent search uncovers what others missed
For the inquiring Hermeticist
Learns of Her who is Wisdom
Always sitting at Ammon’s bosom”
- Hermeticist – student of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. There are 7 principles of Hermeticism which are part of mystery teachings. Hermes T. was a mythological person, or could have been a real person (Some point to Enoch as the model), who lived anciently. He wrote books that early Christians considered inspired and prophetical.
- Wisdom – Female deity personifying the attainment of knowledge and wisdom. It is through her that mysteries are learned.
- Ammon is God the Father. Wisdom sits at the bosom of Ammon because she is part of him, His Helpmeet, His consort never to be separated, but always in motion.
One of the precepts of Hermeticism is the principle of mentalism which proposed that the universe is akin to a mental projection, a manifestation of the mind of God. Your own thoughts also project your realism, for anything to exist a thought must proceed it. You could apply this idea to the concept of faith that Joseph Smith describes in Lectures on Faith. “Turn your thoughts on your own minds, and see if faith is not the moving cause of all action in yourselves; and if the moving cause is in you, is it not in all other intelligent beings?“
“As above, so below and as below so above” is a popular modern paraphrase of another one of the concepts originated with Hermes Trismegistus. These are also very Greek ideas found in Neo-Platonism, and other Greek philosophical schools. You can trace most of Greek philosophical ideas being developed from Pythagorean concepts, which in many cases originated from Egypt, where Pythagoras studied for many years. So here we are again circling around Egyptian religion. Hermeticism is a metaphor for the soul who is a seeker of righteousness and diligent student of ascension mysteries. Not only a metaphor, as there are concepts and teachings that reach back in time to the most ancient of times, teachings that have been lost due to the zeal of religious men who stamp out even the very hint of heretical doctrine.
The Eleventh Stanza
“Pass on now my faithful friend
To a new beginning, not an end
And bring your relentless curiosity
So childlike in its quality”
Denver is talking to his friend (John Hall) who has entered into the barque which is taking him into the deep, past the veil (Testimony of John Chapter 12). Childlike curiosity and inquisitiveness is essential (maybe required?) to learning the mysteries which are themselves critical to learn. If we don’t learn the essentials we become as Joseph Smith writes, subject to a dark spirit more knowledgeable than ourselves when we pass through the veil. What is a mystery? Simply something that the Lord reveals to those with childlike curiosity and precocity, who seek and struggle and act. The ultimate mystery is the nature of Godliness.
The Twelfth and Thirteenth Stanzas
Here in the darkness we die of thirst
Restore us to light as at the first
Give us to drink from the fountain of knowledge
Restore us to the angelic college
Break forth with angelic rhythm and rhyme
Let the hosts above permit your climb
Show forth the tokens and hidden signs
Symbols of knowledge sublime
I am reminded of: “Sing the Song of Redeeming Love” (Alma 3:5) and “Speak with the voice of angels” (Alma 15:12) when the poet declares above, “Break forth with angelic rhythm and rhyme”
Are the tokens and signs symbols of the knowledge, experience, and ordinances received in this life? Are they a real thing? Are there actual tokens and signs that we manifest to the angels to allow us to ascend? Can they see in our countenances the tokens or priesthoods we have obtained? When we leave this world, do the tokens and signs we have obtained open the doors and the gateways to the glory we have obtained?
The last Stanzas. I trust need no interpretation.
Like Joseph whose history was not known
You too have kept what you were shown
Away from the prying and impatient
To honor the oral covenant
“There will be a returning Lord
To both condemn and reward
With an angelic host in company
Of the righteous from all history”
I hope to see you among them then
Should I live to witness the return
Vindicating all the Lord has said
When darkness has forever fled.
My friend I will not bid you rest in peace: But instead, safe journey after your release
I know I am just scratching the surface of what is represented in Denver’s poem. I would be very interested in others take on this, I don’t pretend to know what’s its all about. My only purpose is to start a discussion. The deeper I dig into mysteries represented in the poem, the more I understand how little I know.
———————————————————————————————————————————- Note 1: If it is true that the Sphinx was constructed at the time of the rising of the star Regulus in Leo, it would place the date around 10,000 BC. That of course is fantastic, but evidence of erosion patterns on the sides of the Sphinx seem to indicate it is far older then previous thought.
Note 2: E.W. Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars, 45-46
Note 3: Wikipedia, “Constellation Libra”
Note 4: Genesis 3:15
Note 5: Lectures on Faith 1.11.