Visions of Our Time

There are many accounts of prophetic visions about the last days that have been written. I am usually skeptical when others write about visions or dreams that they have had–skeptical, but not entirely disbelieving. I read John Pontius’ very detailed Vision’s of Glory, which John ghost-wrote for someone who wanted to remain anonymous. There is also Julie Rowe and Bishop Koyle of “Dream Gold Mine” fame, who also wrote popular accounts of future events focusing on Utah or the United States. There have been others over the last twenty years or so that have written books purported to be prophesy of the last days. The thing is, none of what they wrote about has come true (yet?), and many of the accounts contradict each other on several points. So, I just filed those accounts away in my mind. I have, however, collected some prophecies that were written decades or centuries ago, that have some very uncanny resemblance to events that are taking place today, or have already taken place sometime after the prophecies were written down. I am sharing three with you in this post. One account is from over 50 years ago, the second is from over 100 years ago, and the third is over 200 years old. What makes them remarkable is how descriptive and accurate some passages are of the times we are living in. I thought maybe these might hold some interest for some of you.

I copied down this first prophetic writing several years ago (About 2005) and forgot about it until I was looking through my journals recently. It tells of a vision of an older woman had who lived in Valdres, Norway. She was interviewed by a minister whose name was E. Minos in 1968. At the time she was 90 years old, but had the vision many years before. Here is what Minos wrote about this woman and her account, which he wrote down and put it away for a few years because he thought it was just too extreme– too incredible to be true. After some years had passed he realized that the account wasn’t that extreme any more and published it. He wrote, “The woman was from Valdres, was a very alert, reliable, awake, and credible Christian, with a good reputation among all who knew her.

I didn’t write down the source bibliography information (I could kick myself), but it seemed pretty credible to me at the time or I wouldn’t have written it down. You be the judge if this doesn’t ring true…

I saw the time before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of the 3rd World War. I saw the events with my natural eyes. I saw the world like a kind of a globe and saw Europe, land by land. I saw Scandinavia, I saw Norway. I saw certain things that would take place just before the return of Jesus, and just before the last calamity happens, a calamity the likes of which we have never before experienced.

“First, before Jesus comes and before the 3rd World War breaks out there will be a détente like we have never had before. There will be peace between the super powers in the east and the west, and there will be a long peace. (The fall of the Soviet Union?) In this period of peace there will be a disarmament in many countries, also in Norway and we are not prepared when it (the war) comes.”

“The Third World War will begin in a way no one would have anticipated – and from an unexpected place. A luke-warmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a falling away from true living Christianity. Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear about sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead–happiness or prosperity Christianity. The important thing will be to have success, to be something: to have material things. Things that God never promised us in this way.”

Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations, like, to take your cross and follow Jesus. Entertainment, art, and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.”

There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like married without being married. Much uncleanliness before marriage and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural (common) and it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles and we let it –even sin against nature. Just before Jesus returns there will be TV programs like we have never experienced (TV was introduced to Norway in 1968) and it will be filled with violence that teaches people to murder and destroy each other. It will be unsafe on our streets. TV will be just like the radio where we have many stations.(There was only one station in Norway in 1968), and it will be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. We will see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one after the other, and this will spread in society.”

Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen. The most intimate things that take place in a marriage. It will happen and we will see it. All we have had before will be broken down, and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes.”

People from poor countries will stream to Europe. They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and become hard on them. They will be treated like the Jews before World War II. Then the full measure of our sins will have been reached. Tears streamed from the old woman’s eyes down her cheeks. “I will not see it, but you will.”

Then suddenly Jesus will come and the 3rd World War breaks out. It will be a short war. (She saw the war in the vision). All I have seen of war before is only child’s play compared to this one, and it will end with nuclear atom bombs. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents; America, Japan, Australia and the wealthy nations. The water will be ruined (contaminated?). We can no longer till the soil. The result will be that only a remnant will remain. The remnant in the wealthy countries will try to flee to the poor countries, but they will be as hard on us as we were with them.”

I am so glad that I will not see it, but when the time draws near you must take courage and tell this. I have received it from God, and nothing of it goes against what the Bible tells. The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as Savior and Lord, is safe.”

The second prophetic account is from over 100 years ago, and is the best of a score of prophesies by people who lived in Bavaria/Czech Republic area spanning several hundred years before World War I. Sepp Wudy was a simple farmhand who died in World War I as a soldier in the Austrian Army. He lived in what is now the Czech Republic. Someone wrote down the sayings of Sepp, who had a reputation for having some spiritual sight that had caught the attention of people in the area:

“As Sepp was called up to war [World War I] he said he wouldn’t come back because he has to die in ice and snow. As it happened, he perished during the world war in the Dolomites. This is not the last war (1st world war), Sepp said, because then soon there will be another, and only after that the last one comes. This last one is more terrible than the other one. To know what it will be like at the time, you will be able to talk to your cousin in Vienna from your own house, and if you needed him rapidly he could be with you within one hour. 

“The bohemian forest will one day be burned like a straw barn. Don’t run away when the gray birds are flying. If you see this, know that the end is near and it has already begun. It will then be like one hundred years ago. So much the people are thrown back and with this they will be punished for their wantonness. 

“You have the meal in front of you and are not allowed to eat it, because it brings you death; and you have the water and may not drink it, because it would also mean your death. From the Osser (mountain at the Bavarian-Bohemian boundary) there will still be a water source — there you can drink. The air corrodes into the skin like a poison. Put on all the clothing you have and don’t even let the tip of your nose remain uncovered. Place yourself into a hole and wait till it is all over.  It will not last long.  Or look for a cave in the mountains. When you loose your hair it has gotten you. Take a Kronwittbirl (Juniper fruit) into the mouth. This will help. And don’t drink milk for (at least) eight weeks.

It will be bad, and the later-born ones will have to learn writing and reading anew. The cause will be that the people do not recognize the Devil anymore, because he is dressed beautifully and promises everything to them. 

When no owl cries any more and the hares come to the house and collapse, then go away from the water and don’t mow grass. In these times there will be no more border against Bavaria, but the border will be I cannot say.” [Ed. comment: Wudy lived in Bohemia, few miles away from the border to Bavaria. This border doesn’t exist anymore since the Czechs joined the European Union.)

“However, what do I say? It does not concern you but tell it to your children and grandchildren. They will have to face it and will experience the rest of the story. I also do not understand those that have no modesty at all.  People will become increasingly base and godless, so things must come to a head.  In the end [Europe] will be like [it was] one hundred years ago. I see even more, but I can’t understand it and can’t tell it. With the decline of faith everything goes downhill, and everything gets confused. Nobody sees clearly. The elite already believe nothing at all, the masses will be made crazy. In the church they play dance music and the parson will sing to it. Then they also dance, but outside there will be the celestial sign, which announces the beginning of great mischief. There will be a brightness in the north, like never seen before, and then the fire will rise up all around.

“Go to Bavaria, where blessed Mary protects the people; but there too all will be chaotic. Everything will come like the Stormberger has told, but he didn’t tell everything or they didn’t understand him. Because it will be worse than bad.” [Ed. comment: Stormberger is another seer who lived about 50-75 years before in almost the same region, his predictions are still known there today.]

Farmer, tell this to your children: they shall run to the mountain when everything crashes. I’m only a farmhand and I don’t know if it’s a good or bad spirit which is showing me all these things. But I know it will happen.”

The third account is a combination of visions from two men that seem to have been merged together. Both were known as “Stormberger”. Matthias Stormberger, was a cow herder at Rabenstein, Germany. He had some remarkable visions of the future in 1830. The second man was Mathias Lang, also referred to as “Stormberger”, who was illiterate and had no education, living in Bavaria between 1753 and 1820. I have tried to separate the two, but all accounts that I have found either have confused the two or assumed it was the same person. At any rate, it doesn’t take away from the remarkable accuracy of the prophecies detailing events taking place over a hundred, and in some cases, 200 years in the future.

Iron rods (sic) will be built and iron monsters will bark through the wilderness. Cars without horses and shaft will come…And man will fly through the air like birds. When in the outskirts of the forest the iron road will be finished, and there the iron horse will be seen, a war will begin, to last twice two years. It would be fought with iron fortresses that move without horses.

Right after this horrible war there will come a time when money will have no value. For 200 guilders not even a loaf of bread will be available, and yet there shall be no famine. Money will be made of iron, and gold shall become so valuable that for a few gold coins a small farm can be bought.”

After the Great War there will be no peace. The people will rise and all will fight against each other… The rich and noble will be killed. The World War will not make people better but much worse… Tell your children that their children will live to see the time when the earth will be cleared. God will do away with people because there will be no charity among men. Religious faith will decline; priests will not be respected; people will be intent only on eating and drinking; there will be many immensely rich people and large amounts of paupers; great wealth will not endure long, for the red caps will come. People will hide in forests and many will go into exile. After this civil conflict and general clearing, people will love each other as much as previously they hated one another.”

Two or three decades after the first war it will come one a Second War still larger. Almost all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men will die, without being soldiers. The fire will fall from the sky and many great cities will be destroyed.

“The Catholic faith will almost completely disappear, the religiousness will be quite badly respected, they will not earn any respect due to their way of living. There won’t be many good Christians among the people, the Commandments of God are no longer respected by the aristocracy as well as by the smallest worker. One will not think the greatest unfairness to be a sin. When the faith disappears also the love of the next one will completely lose itself. One will not estimate the justice, often the poor one will not be given right and he will be less respected than a dog.”

“After this a mischief will arise that has to be regretted, there will be no order among the people. After the second great war, people will think that peace has arrived, but it will be an interval only. One day a third World War will start, more awful than the preceding ones.”

After the end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come, so that it will determine everything.”

When women walk around in pants, and men have become effeminate, so that one will no longer be able to tell men from women, then the time is near. People will build houses everywhere, high houses, low houses, one after another. When everyone builds, when everywhere buildings rise, everything will be cleared away. There will be a holy Sign in the heavens, that a very severe Master will come and take off the Skin of the People. He will not rule very long, then when all that has happened as I said, then comes the great Clearing Away.”

There will be weapons totally new. In one day, more men will die than in all the previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will happen. With the open eyes, the nations of the planet will go through these catastrophes. They won’t know what is happening, and those that know and tell, will be silenced. Everything will be different from before, and in many places the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third war will be the end of many nations.”

The Bavarian land will be devastated, and the land of Bohemia (Bohemia is 2/3 of the Czech Republic) will be cleaned out as by a broom. Over all these places and over the Bohemian mountains will come the Reds… not the French, but the Reds. You, my children, won’t experience the largest mischief, you my grandchildren, won’t also experience it, but the third stock, that will easily experience it.”

“Over night it will take place –in a pub in Zwiesel (a city in Bavaria known for its glass) many people will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the bridge. The people will run out of the forest. Those who hide themselves at the Fuchsenriegel (a place in Austria) or at the Falkenstein (a stone castle, building with thick walls of stone?) remain spared. Who survives must have an iron heading. The people become ill, and nobody can help them . . . However it will continue, and what follows then, is the end of the world. Sky and earth burn, because it is the time when everything comes to an end. And this time will be, when the wild hunt with fire and Sulphur roars over the country.”

After this, he said, “No humans will know anymore where Zwiesel and where Rabenstein (German towns) have been. Of all frights this will be the last. When the people fall off the bank like the flies off the wall, the last time begins. It will be horrible.

“But when however, someone at the whole Danube stream finds still another cow, then she is worth it to be attached with a silver bell by the owner. After these events it will be a miracle, if one still sees two or three rulers going together. After these events the clarity will be anew, and those who survived, will face a good time for hope.

“Then afterward a good time will come, that which is Loved by Jesus Christ, and holy men will do wonders. Once people have their faith again, a long period of peace will follow. Those who are still alive will be given housing and as much land as they need. And the more hands one has, the more you will count. Then there will be a shortened summer; winter and summer will not be distinguishable. Although everything around the Danube is wasted and dead, there will be people living in the woods and they will build houses in the woods —beautiful houses, in fact, because all bad things are over and all difficulties have been surpassed. And soon the nettles will grow out of the old buildings. And the forest will grow again without war and death.”

“Those who begin a new will build a church and praise God. Those who survive will say to each other ‘Brother, are you still living?’ and greet one another saying, ‘Jesus Christ be praised!’ This will not only be with us, but over the whole world. Right will become right again and peace will govern for many years.”

What is very striking to me in all of these accounts is the description of widespread sexual immorality, even sexual dysphoria, and the loss of Christian faith fortold that would seem quite impossible, even shocking, to the people at the time these visions occurred. They nailed it. It convinces me that their visions or dreams were prescient, and that we can and should take them seriously. There is nothing in any of these prophecies that doesn’t synch with scripturally sourced prophecies.


The following is a story I copied from a book1 I recently read about a few Christians living in Communist Romania in the 1970’s and 80’s. In the era of communism they lived under great persecution and poverty. As Christians they could not hold any jobs paid by the government, which was most of the jobs available. So most of them subsisted as farmers. Reading the Bible was a crime, and holding church meetings was always a risky affair. The author of the book was a Baptist minister, Dumitru Dudumon, who was tortured and thrown into prison for smuggling Bibles into Russia and into his own country. He eventually was banished by the communist government, ending up in the U.S. He writes that miraculous events were common place. This is just one of his stories:

“We traveled about 9-10 hours by train. Arriving at the local pastor’s home, his wife greeted us. “Welcome!”. she said.

“Is your husband home?” I asked.

“No, my husband is working in the pasture and will be out there for some time. Would you like to come with me?”

“Where are you going?” I was very tired from the train journey, but curious about her mission.

Right now I’m preparing to visit a woman who has cancer. It would be good if you would come with me so you can give her a word of comfort. She is so ill, we are expecting her to die any time.”

“Of course I’ll go with you!” I answered. We left together immediately to visit the woman whose name was Lidia Moga. I had never met her before, and had never in my life seen anyone more visibly ill. Lidia was lying in her bed – so thin that there was really nothing left of her but skin and bones. She had not been moved off that bed for six consecutive months.

Lidia had six young children and lived in obvious poverty. Her husband worked far away and was only able to return home on the weekends. The house was filthy. the little children were far too small to help with the work. Now and then a Christian Sister would come and clean. The sight and stench of the place were appalling. Anna, the pastor’s wife, asked me to wait outside until she tidied up the place a bit.

When I entered and approached Lidia’s bed, I said, “Peace of the Lord to you, dear Sister.”

“Same to you,” she murmured. I could hardly hear her voice.

“Sister has anybody prayed for you?”

Yes, they have,” she answered very weakly. “Many times they have anointed me and prayed for me.”

All at once the Lord showed me that she was filled with doubts. “Well, what do you say? If I pray for you, do you believe you will get well?”

“No,” she quickly responded. “No, I don’t believe.”

“God!” I prayed silently in my heart. “God, can’t You give a gift of healing to a mother of six children? Hallelujah! I know You can!” Suddenly I felt a surge of spiritual power. “If you don’t believe,” I burst out, “I’ll believe in your place! In Jesus name I command you to get out of bed!”

Thank you Lord, for healing me!” she cried.

When I finished my prayer I looked around. Sister Lidia was not in the bed anymore! Instead she was on her knees by the door thanking God for healing her. Gone was her feeble voice. She was yelling at the top of her lungs, “Thank You God! Thank You God!”

Even if you don’t completely believe this story, (as Mormons we tend to discount any miraculous stories of people who are from other religious backgrounds) you have to admit that such healings are possible, and should be possible if you believe in Christ and the scriptures. If you can believe the author of this story and other stories that he writes about in his book– miracles and healings becoming common place and frequent– why, if we are covenant people, do we not see miraculous healings like this taking place amongst us all the time? Sure, we hear stories of miraculous healings, but they are rare. How many of us can say that they have placed their hands on someone with cancer or prayed for them and seen them healed instantly? Or how many times have souls been brought back from the dead through prayers and laying on of hands?

I have a theory about that: its because we don’t expect miracles.

It seems, from what I have learned and observed, we don’t have a tradition of faith in our culture, like these Romanian Christians exhibit. Most of us have not been brought up to believe in miracles like that, except what we read about in the scriptures or hear about happening to others. Our faith resides in doctors and hospitals and miracle drugs that we have at our disposal. Where we have miraculous medical cures, the Christians of Romania 40 years ago had only their faith and maybe some traditional herbal remedies. The way we seem to approach miraculous healings is by assuming we can always fall back to medical cures if our prayers and priesthood blessings don’t pan out. Or we seem to think that God would rather we suffer then heal us. That is why Elders lay hands on sick souls and declare in all sincerity, “If it be God’s will, you will be healed!”. What it really comes down to is this: they do not have a relationship with the Lord, and so, not knowing the will of the Father, they say something safe. Faith has a difficulty finding a foothold in such a philosophy.

When I have discussed the lack of miracles in our lives with others I hear comments like, “But we do experience miracles! The Book of Mormon is a miracle! Having a living prophet is a miracle! Or having faith to not be healed is a form of miraculous faith.” Give me a break….If we truly are believers then these words of Moroni would describe us, but they really don’t, do they?

And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mormon 9:24)

“And these signs shall follow him (William Law)– he shall heal the sick, he shall cast out devils, and shall be delivered from those who would administer unto him deadly poison; and he shall be led in paths where the poisonous serpent cannot lay hold upon his heel, and he shall mount up in the imagination of his thoughts as upon eagles’ wings. And what if I will that he should raise the dead, let him not withhold his voice.” (D&C 124:98-100)

When Moroni writes that “they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them” , could that apply to man-made poisons or viruses? Would that make us immune to Covid? Hmm…

What is holding us back from experiencing the out pouring of the Spirit and the Powers of Heaven? What law is it that we are not obeying, upon which the blessings of miraculous healings and protection from pandemics are based? (D&C 130:20-21) Does it follow that we are not following the law upon which those blessings are predicated? Should we be spending our energies and time in pursuing a relationship with the heavens rather then running after things that are perhaps too worldly? Do we need a fundamental change, even a dramatic shift, in the way we approach spiritual things? I ask these things not as an exercise in rhetoric, or as an accusation to others. I ask them all the time of myself. What am I missing that I don’t experience all of these things all the time. I keep thinking that I should be seeing the signs that follow a group of people who consider themselves “chosen” and set apart.

Maybe there are some people experiencing and performing miraculous healings that are common place to them. Maybe we, and I speak generally, don’t see miraculous healings because we haven’t yet learned how to perform them. Duduman writes how the Christian congregations that he ministered would gather and fast and pray together regularly. He wrote about fasting for ten or twenty days regularly. He constantly talked and prayed to God and listened for an answer. He assumed that God would hear and would answer, and then he acted upon the answers he received immediately. Their faith in being able to draw down the powers of heaven to act on their behalf, in a way, puts us to shame. The Lord honors everyone who puts their trust in Him. Its as simple as that.

In my own life I have come to realize that seeking daily companionship of the Spirit becomes a higher priority then reading blogs about how bad this or that church is or debating about principles and doctrine. I have discovered how difficult it is to be consistently on the track because I have decades of exposure to American culture ideals filtering my reality. Reality, or our perception of reality, colored by what we have been taught and what we have lived by since we were babies, is awfully hard to see without the filters of culture. Joseph Smith did say that it (Salvation) was a great work of mental exertion and Paul wrote that salvation comes from working it out with fear and trembling. Overcoming the world is not easy, nor was it ever meant to be easy.

In closing I want to include another event that Pastor Duduman writes about. After becoming converted to Christianity he began ministering to people. “Not long after I gave my heart to God, He began using me. People were coming to Christ. Some were being healed and others were filled with the Holy Ghost. Much of what God did was through much fasting and prayer. God was at work, and the enemy didn’t like it.” He reports that his wife started having problems with her eyes; she started going blind. “God,” I cried out, “I gave my life to you and now my Maria can’t see. Why?”

He took her to a doctor who told him that she would never see again unless God healed her. It sounds like it was just the doctor’s way of saying that there was nothing he could do for her. Duduman took her to many other doctors but they ultimately could do nothing for her. “Little by little I became very despondent. Before long I couldn’t preach. I couldn’t pray. Seeing my despair, my father came to me and I began to weep, pouring out my agony and heartbreak over Maria.”

“I’ve let you go your own way to see what you would do, Son,” he told me with kindness flickering in his blue eyes. “Now, why don’t you try my doctor?”

“Who?” I asked.

My father simply said, “Jesus.”

“You don’t understand!” I raged. “Everyone is mocking and laughing at me saying, ‘Can’t you see that since you became a Christian your wife became ill? The medicines only make her worse.’ I don’t know what to do!”

“Dumitru, don’t listen to what people say to you. You believe in a great God.”

“Well, what AM I supposed to do?!”

“We will fast and pray and believe God together.” More than forty of us joined together in fasting and prayer. A few weeks later a Brother named Vasile Munteanu came on his bike from about 30 kilometers away to see me. He said, “I was on my way to a prayer meeting, but the Holy Spirit told me to come and take you with me.”

Dumitru asked his wife if she minded if he went to the prayer meeting. She replied saying, “Go, but pray for me, too.”

The village was on the Russian border and difficult to enter because of the check point where everyone was searched for Bibles being carried into Russia. As they rode along they wondered how they would get through, but they were not searched. “When we arrived the service the pastor said, “Welcome brothers, the Holy Spirit told us you were coming, so we prayed for your protection.” Then the pastor said, “What is your name?”

Dumitru Duduman”

He said “Brother Duduman, the Lord told us that your wife is sick and today he is going to heal her. I have had a vision of a blond woman with blue eyes, lying on a table. A man dressed in white was beside the table preparing to operate on her eyes.This is what the Lord says, Brother Duduman. ‘I have listened to your prayers and I have seen your fasting. Beginning today, your wife will be able to see'”

Dumitru rushed home to see his wife who he found waiting for him at the gate to their home. “I ran to Maria. Looking into her eyes I could see that they were as clear as the day I married her. I fell on my knees and gave God thanks.”

Dumitru concludes this account by writing: “This was the first lesson I learned after I came to the Lord – and it was a critical one for my continuing walk with him. It was this: whenever we pass through problems, we should immediately call upon God. No matter what our circumstances, this is the kind of relationship that He wants with us – for He knows that this instant dependency can only bring us closer to Him. I tried to fast and pray more, because I believed that in so doing, the Lord would give me more power to do His work.” (Bold script is by the author, D. Duduman)

If we are ever going to participate in Zion we are going to have to shed all of our Gentile thinking, all of our American cultural values, and we will need to suspend our disbelief in a total acceptance of spiritual things. That is why the Lord will be merciful to us by taking away everything we have depended upon for our security and our lively hood. Before we ever step foot in Zion we will have to become totally dependent on Heaven for everything.

  1. Dumitru Duduman, Through the Fire, Without Burning, second ed. 1992. pp 20-23.